Back on the map project

The back on the map project is centred around creating innovative and engaging artistic experiences for young people. 

We are a Lewisham Borough based collective working with local arts companies and residents to create exciting art projects.

Our work is funded by the Arts Council. Our collaborators include Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, Lewisham Borough primary schools and members of the 'meet me at the Albany' programme.

Our mission aims:

  • Advocating for the inclusion of dance specific learning as a vital resource in education.
  • Questioning who we learn about, how we learn, and where we source information from.
  • Using dance as a tool to nurture the artistic voices of young people.




We are looking to commission 8 local artists to create work for an upcoming festival. If you are a film, sculpture or mixed media artist based in the Lewisham Borough please contact us with the subject COMMISSIONED ART and examples of your work via: 


We are offering work placements to London based students looking to gain experience in the arts. Positions include: Videography assistant, Rhythm workshop assistant, Creations assistant, Tech assistant and Front of house team, If interested please email with the subject 'Student placement' and the position you are interested in. 

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